Preparation Key to Interior Painting Success

By Keith Loria

One of the easiest ways to give a room a quick makeover before putting your home on the market is by adding a fresh coat of paint. While picking the right color is typically an exciting part of the process, it’s crucial that you prepare well ahead of time by formulating a plan of action for your interior painting project.

If you’re tackling the paint job yourself, one trip to the local paint store or hardware supply store should be enough to find everything you’ll need for the job. In addition to the paint itself, you’ll need rollers, brushes (of various sizes), a trim edger, paint sticks, protective cloth and a paint pan. Additional items that may come in handy along the way include a tape measure, screwdriver, sandpaper, sponges, household cleaner and drop cloths.

To properly prepare the room, set aside some time to clean it first. This includes removing any small items or furniture that can easily be cleared from the space. For larger items that are too much trouble to move, bring them to the center of the room and cover them with plastic cloths to keep them from getting covered with paint. Next, use blue masking tape to protect light fixtures, switch panels, hinges and knobs, and a drop cloth to protect the floor. It’s also a good idea to keep a window open for ventilation.

Any surfaces that aren’t being painted will have to be masked off with tape as well. This includes the trim on doors and windows, bookshelves and baseboards. The corners between walls and ceilings may also need to be masked off.

As for the walls that are being painted, examine the drywall to see if there are any holes, as these must be repaired before painting. Once drywall repairs are made, the area must be sanded and primed before the paint is applied. If the plaster has any cracks, they’ll need to be fixed with a paste that can be made from Plaster of Paris and water. Be sure to remove any nails from the wall as well.

If the walls have never been painted before—or they were previously painted a dark color/stain—priming is an essential part of the process that can’t be ignored. The primer will help conceal the old color and any unsightly stains that may otherwise show through the new paint.

Once all this is done, it’s time to paint. Bring in some friends and family members and make it fun. Blast some good music, order some pizza for lunch and make it a painting party no one will ever forget.

For more painting preparation tips, contact our office today.

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