Consumer Bulletins

Every week, RISMedia Content Solutions offers a new, helpful, consumer-facing real estate “press release,” customized with your branding, information and quotes. The releases always feature timely and relevant real estate topics of interest to your audience, and are formatted for you to automatically download and send to your local media, add to your listing presentations or print out and leave with clients and prospects. Some recent Consumer Bulletin press releases include:
  • 5 Home Upgrades Under $100
  • Home Buying and Selling: Pricing 101
  • How to Add Celebrity Appeal to Your Living Space
  • The Ins and Outs of Fixer Uppers
  • 5 Bathroom Trends for 2015
RISMedia Content Solutions Weekly Bulletin press releases are a great tool to keep your name in your local news outlets, associated with valuable, newsworthy information—or just one more content piece in our platform that you’ll find a valuable, easy and relevant piece to have at your fingertips for a variety of uses!
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