Can I add my own content or pictures to a newsletter?
The Daily eNews, Home Matters, and Social Media Matters newsletters offer members the option to insert their own "Top Story" into the newsletter. This custom story space will take the first story position in the newsletter and will push the default RISMedia produced stories down one story space in the newsletter. Standard text or HTML can be used in the Top Story area and can be as long as about 3,000 characters.*
Home Matters and Social Media Matters newsletters also offer members the option to insert their own "Welcome Greeting"into the newsletter. Similar to the Top Story area this can be up to about 3,000 characters* and can be text or HTML. If the Welcome Greeting is used it will take the topmost spot in the newsletter, just ahead of the default RISMedia produced stories.
The "Welcome Greeting" and "Top Story" can be used simultaneously with Home Matters and Social Media Matters in which case the Welcome Greeting will take the topmost spot, followed by the members custom Top Story, followed by the default RISMedia produced stories.
The Pop-a-Note system offers the option to modify the pre-written notes or members can write their own note and includes a basic HTML editor.
Pictures: Our newsletter stories and Pop-a-Notes do not include pictures. To add a picture to a newsletter you will need to know HTML code and use the HTML image tag (<img src=”.....”> ) tag to reference the image. That said the image must already be uploaded to a website or storage area and publicly accessible. You must have the licensing rights to use the image. Unlawful use of images will result in loss of membership and possible further legal action.
* Not all systems count characters identically use 3,000 characters as an estimate. Keep in mind that HTML or formatting code may get counted toward the 3,000 limit. For example if copying and pasting from MS Word some “behind the scenes” formatting code might get picked up and dramatically reduce the amount of actual content. Consider using the "paste from Word" icon in the Custom Content editor or pasting into Notepad first to strip out formatting, then copy from Notepad and paste into the Custom Content area.