Blogs and Remote Publish for WordPress

RISMedia Content Solutions Members who have subscribed to the “Content Library” can utilize articles in a couple of ways.  The most common method is download the article of your choice and copy and paste it to your destination - typically a website, blog, social media, etc.

Members who happen to be using a WordPress powered website or blog may have the option to use the “Remote Publish” feature in the Articles area of the Content Solutions > Content Library.

To enable this option members must first visit the Settings area of their Content Solutions account and enter their WordPress credentials.  If you are hosting your WordPress blog you will likely also need enable the WordPress, Moveable Type option in the Settings > Writing area of your WordPress account.  (If your blog is hosted at you can skip this step.)

Once these settings are correct you can simply click the “Remote Publish” icon near the article of choice to send that article over to your WordPress account. In Content Solutions > Settings you can decide if you want the article be live immediately by choosing “Publish” or if you don’t want it to be seen by your readers immediately choose “Draft”.  If your WordPress account is set to update Facebook and Twitter then in theory you can update three sites with one click of a button.

The Remote Publish option really just saves the step of downloading and copying and pasting the article to a new WordPress post.

Tip #1: As of this writing Content Solutions Remote Publish works consistently with WordPress however there have been times in the past when WP has changed it’s policies and we’ve had to adjust our Remote Publish code. We will offer this service as long as it is available.

Tip #2:  This option is ONLY available for WordPress powered blogs or websites.